Info for Parents


Welcome to Baldivis Primary School Parents & Citizens Association (P&C).

P&C Meetings are held twice a term on Wednesdays of week 4 and week 8 in the school staffroom starting at 6.30pm. Our meetings are open to all parents, staff and community members. To have a voting right you must become a member and pay the $1.00 membership fee.

The P&C is an organisation of the school community open to parents/caregivers, staff and interested members of the community. The P&C is dedicated to the promotion of the interests of the school through:

  • increased co-operation between parents/caregivers, teachers, students and members of the general community
  • assisting in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities for the school
  • the fostering of community interest in educational matters
  • These activities will lead to the improvement of the facilities and enhance the quality of learning that our children receive.

    The P&C supports the school by raising much needed funds that are used to provide equipment and resources to benefit the students of Baldivis Primary School. Many fundraising events are held throughout the year including our two major events – The Baldivis Massive Auction and The Baldivis Country Fair. Additional to these events the P&C manage the Canteen, Uniform Shop and School Banking.

    For up-to-date information on P&C news and events you can access the P&C Facebook Page.This is a closed Facebook page and therefore you will need to first request to become a member. Requests are accepted promptly upon confirmation that your child attends the school.

    P&C Executive Committee Members are:

    Additional Executive Members:

      Rachel Melder